Incorporation Kit
If you are planning to form a limited liability company in any
state, you can save hundreds of dollars in legal fees by forming an LLC
with this kit. It includes all the documents and instructions you will
need to successfully form a Limited Liability Company in any state --
and you won't need an attorney!
Why form an LLC? Why use this kit?
Attorneys typically charge between $500 and $1,000 to form a
Limited Liability Company. When a business is new, money is tight;
couldn't you find a better way to invest that money? LLCs hybrid a
corporation and partnership; the owners of an LLC receive the limited
liability of incorporating without all the paperwork and government
regulations. An LLC must have two or more owners. This Kit includes all
the documents you need to form an LLC in your state, along with full
instructions. It discusses what an LLC is and the advantages of forming
an LLC in your state. (You will need to pay state fees when you submit
the documents; fees vary from state to state, averaging $100 to $150.)
So what are the advantages of an LLC?
Limited Liability - The liability of the owners is
limited to the extent of their investment in the LLC (with the exception
of unpaid taxes.) Creditors cannot attach property of the owners. The
LLC can enter into contracts, sue and be sued without involvement of the
Member Contributions - Capital can vary but it can consist of
cash, property, services, or the obligation to contribute additional
Options - Properly structured, an LLC is taxed as a partnership
rather than a corporation for federal income tax purposes. Since LLC's
can be taxed as partnerships it can avoid double taxation.
Governmental Regulation - An LLC is subject to fewer governmental
regulations and a lot less paperwork and filing fees than the typical
Complete Kit:
Forms & instructions